среда, 5 октября 2016 г.

The Simple Guide That Will Turn You Into A Massage Professional!

The Simple Guide That Will Turn You Into A Massage Professional!

We don’t have to pay others for a massage. We can turn ourselves into a professional. Simply follow the guide.

To learn how to do massage the right way, you only need to consider some simple breaks what you will discuss below.

How to massage in 6 simple steps

  1. To start, get a place with room temperature; Neither too cold nor too warm. Do not forget that during the massages the body tends to cool. Also be aware of getting a hard surface to lean on it.

2. After having everything suddenly begin a gentle surface massage from the shoulders to the waist and back up. When climbing, the movements should be more intense, although they will not have to stop being soft

3. Make the whole hand massage, gradually strengthening movements

4. Massage also shoulders, they are also stressed. Press with the tips of your fingers, the parts that you consider need more treatment.

5. Do not massage under any circumstances the area of the spine; Always move your hands according to the fibers of your back.

6. Remember to do massage correctly ,need perform before preheating, which is to begin massaging gently, then move to more intense movements.

The main thing to keep in mind when learning how to massage , is to know that we must completely relax the muscles of our body. Then the massage will begin to perform slowly but rhythmically, always in the sense of the fibers of the body. Massage should not cause pain, but pleasure.

With this simple 6 – step guide , you will know the essential tips to get massages when needed.

Original article and pictures take wp.me site

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